When we ask "what do you want to be" when you grow up, we are really asking, "what do you want to do?"
The world has a formula that says your activity determines your identity. So, with this worldview, what you do determines who you are. There are two problems with this:
God is nowhere in this equation
You will never do enough to be enough
The good news: God doesn't work by the same formula the world does!
God cares about who you are
He says your activity doesn't determine your identity, but your identity in Christ determines what you do
Jesus says if you follow me, you are the salt of the Earth
In Jesus' day:
salt was very valuable
salt was very useful
Why does Jesus talk in metaphors?
He wants you to go deeper. There is a gift in digging deeper!
You are the light of this world- bring God's presence along with you wherever you go
You are a city on a hill: people are looking towards you for hope, for protection, for prayer, for love
Don't blend in! Be different, you're not normal. You're the salt of this Earth!
Don't lose sight of who you are! When you lose sight of your anchor, you go adrift and out to sea
If we lose sight of our Lord and Savior, we end up in a place we never want to be. Don't get so caught up in impressing people that you begin to start spending money you don't have on things you don't want to impress people you don't even know. You wake up in debt, broken, etc. and you forget who you are in Christ. Your priorities have gotten upside down.
You don't have to earn God's approval, you live from God's approval
Jesus says if you are a follower of mine I will give you your identity
You are God's people
Be who you are
Today's scriptures:
Matthew 5:13
Matthew 5:14-16
Want to rewatch the message? Click here. (The sermon begins around 37 minutes)
