Leveling Up Your Gratitude:
You are only one praise away from the next level of gratitude
There is power, healing, joy, etc. waiting on the other side of your praise
"For The" Gratitude Level
Moses encourages the Israelites that the best is before them but they start complaining and their appetite forgot the provider of their promise
Gods gifts only bring joy if they are joined with gratitude
If we don't know how to turn blessings into praise, they will turn into pride in our hearts - keeping us from being filled with joy
Maybe your biggest level of accomplishment isn't your level of accumulation but your level of appreciation
Be thankful to the Lord for what He has given you
the happiest people tend to be those who make the most of everything they have rather than need to have everything
Gratitude isn't normal - you need to practice it
Attitude doesn't always translate to behavior - it can be just way of thought
Gratitude without practice is like faith without works - it's dead
If you grow in gifts but not in gratitude, what have you gained? We need to say what God has done in our lives; let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
While God is pouring out provision for you, don't be entitled to it or think that you've earned it because you haven't - it's because of Him
How can we be so dead in our faith when we've been so well fed?
Praise Him "for the:____________"
"Even Though" Gratitude Level
Moses thanked and related to God in more of a provisional way. David's gratitude is more mature
Be thankful for the things you cannot see
This is a stage of praise where you're thanking God for His presence
In the table of your enemies, still be focused on the presence of God
"Because Of" Gratitude Level
Paul - when others were stirring up trouble while he was in chains: "but what does it matter?"
Praise God for what the pain you're going through is going to produce
This is gratitude on a completely different maturity level
This is the stage of trust
Do you trust the cook? You have a master chef in your life - but sometimes you may not like what is being cooked. You wouldn't eat garlic by itself but once it's put into the marinara sauce - it's better. God says all things work together
If it doesn't serve God's purpose, He won't let it into your pot
God knows what He is doing
Ask yourself:
Do you plan to be grateful?
Is your praise past due?
Are you walking in blessings that used to be prayer requests you've not yet praised God for?
Are you selective with your praise?
Today's Scripture
Deuteronomy 8:7-18
Psalm 23:1-5
Philippians 1:17-18
Ephesians 5:20
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