Agape Love:
Jesus shows us the Father
Jesus models relationship with the Father
He modeled one-way submission to the Father
Also modeled two-way obsession with the Father
Jesus brings us to the Father
Man is bound by time, but is wired for eternity
How hard is it to know somebody you can't tangibly see? (we don't have a glorified body)
We get a perfect picture of the Father when we look at the Son
Jesus says if you've seen me, you've seen the Father
We are here to do what the Father asks
Jesus had obsessive love for the Father
If we think God is just a "divine taskmaster," we have an incomplete picture of love
Be obedient because you love God
The same exact way God loves Jesus, He loves us
Jesus is the way, the Father is the destination
Today's Scripture:
John 1:18
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Colossians 1:15
John 6:38
John 14:31
John 5:19
John 17:24
John 17:23
1 Timothy 2:5
John 14:6
Want to rewatch the message? Click here. (Sermon starts approximately at 44 minutes into the video)
