Agape Love:
Jesus has a deep love for us
When we (humanly) love something, it's because we have placed worth on it
Jesus' love gives us worth; he doesn't love us because we are worthy
In today's scripture, Luke 7:11-16, the power of Jesus is expressed through deep and sincere compassion and love for the woman
In verse 13, "Jesus saw her"
There is a difference between seeing and noticing/taking action
God sees you; God notices you - he hears the cry of your heart. He is trying to lock eyes with you
Love crosses lines: Jesus crossed the line to raise the boy with one touch
Never draw lines to keep people out; cross lines to bring them in
There was no boundary and no law that would keep Jesus from expressing His love for His people
If you're looking at something in your life that looks dead, remember we have a resurrecting Savior to go to. He sees what you need, but tell Him
Today's Scripture:
Luke 7:11-16
Want to rewatch the message? Click here. (Sermon starts approximately at 30 minutes into the video)
